Tips for an effective 

Parasite Control program

Step 1 - Control

Ensure you're taking steps to control the parasite population by taking action to clean both the internal environment and the external surroundings. 

External environment control includes practices such as cleaning manure from paddocks and pens, regularly. Pasture maintenance and rotation, and even utilizing new approaches as introducing beneficial fungi (hopefully available in the US soon... Bioworma). Yard maintenance for dogs is important for their parasite control program, while also monitoring what they eat as they roam your property or barn as commonly eating contaminated fecal matter is how dog's typically contract internal parasites. 

Your horse's and dog's internal environment is another crucial factor in your parasite control program! Clean, whole food based, and species appropriate nutrition, optimal digestive health, and routine liver cleanses serve in ensuring the internal environment of your horse or dog, isn't a haven or buffet setting for parasite populations. 

Once you've covered what you can control with the internal and external environment, it's time to move forward to the Cleanse step of your effective parasite control cycle.

Control  ~  Cleanse  ~ Customize

Step 2 - Cleanse

Whether you decide to use chemical dewormers for parasite treatment or you're implementing a natural parasite control program... Supporting your horse or dog through a cleanse is supportive to their health and well-being. This is a way to reduce morbid waste and "trash" from the body and promotes an internal environment less likely to get imbalance with parasites. It also prepares the body's detoxification systems for the mycotoxins and chemical releases the parasite give off as they are eliminated from the body. 

It's best to cleanse the liver and the urinary tract prior to implementing a 14-Day parasite control routine with the Moon Cycle. 

Equine Liver Support Ideas and Examples:

Equine Urinary Tract Support Ideas and Examples:
Canine Liver & Urinary Support Ideas and Examples:

Control ~ Cleanse ~ Customize 

Step 3 - Customize

For horses and dogs that are in good health you can work in when you feed your parasite control natural remedies in the Spring or Fall aligned with the Moon Cycle. 

If you suspect your horse or dog has a high parasite load you may want to complete a few cycles back to back and to maximize your efforts rotate the selected remedy or herbal blend you use.

If you're sending in fecal tests the most effective time to collect and send in a sample is during the New Moon phase. 

Then begin your 14 day parasite control remedy 7 days before the expected full moon and complete through until 7 days after the start of the full moon. 

Understand that if your horse or dog is experiencing health concerns that there may be times of year and additional support that's recommended for their specific needs. Working with a Core Wellness Coach to fully customize an individual plan unique to their needs is highly recommended. 

Natural parasite control is ultimately a lifestyle. Use these steps and cater them to a plan that suites your herd and pack to ensure vitality and longevity!

Equine Friendly Parasite Control Remedies:
  • ¼  cup Ground Pumpkin Seeds once or twice daily 
  • ¼ cup Food Grade Diatomaceous earth once or twice daily 
  • 1 to 3 drops of either Nutmeg or DiGize blend essential oil (once daily for 7 days)
  • Herbal options available from Silver Lining Herbs and Wild Fed Horse Intestinal Parasite Formula (use as directed on the label)
  • Utilize acupressure point Bl 19 to help expel parasites more effectively while completely your natural parasite control remedies. (video how to share further on page)
Canine Friendly Parasite Control Remedies:
  • Food Grade Diatomaceous - It’s best to mix it with raw or other moist food. If you feed dry food, add some water or broth to moisten the powder. Serving sizes range as follows:
    • Small dogs and puppies: 1/2 tsp per day in food
    • Up to 50 lbs: 1 tsp per day in food
    • Over 50 lbs: 1 Tbsp per day in food
    • 100 lbs or more: 2 Tbsp per day in food
  • Ground Pumpkin Seeds once or twice daily - average serving is one ground pumpkin seed per 10 pounds of body weight.
  • Herbal options available from Silver Lining Herbs (use as directed on the label).

Bonus Equine Acupressure Points

The Masterclass mentioned in the video has since been retired... But the information that was shared can be found in the Healthy as a Horse book or you can work with Angie one on one to customize a plan for your horse or entire herd.

Implementing a natural parasite control program in the Spring and the Fall is a great way to improve your horse's and your dog's overall health, while reducing the risk of parasite imbalance. You can follow your parasite control routines with a full digestive restoration to further maximize your efforts. Explore our Canine and Equine Digestive Restoration Programs below.

As you can see from the information shared on this page, real parasite control is a lifestyle. If you have questions on how to create an easy and affordable holistic care plan for your horse or dog (or whole pack or herd), use the form at the bottom of this page to connect with Angie or another one of our amazing Core Wellness Coaches. 

Equine Digestive Restoration 

A full digestive system reboot for your horse!

Canine Digestive Restoration

A full digestive system reboot for your horse!

Let's Connect About Your Horse's or Dog's Health